From dolichocephaly, to the blue blood and Quinoa: the testimony of the ancient gods.

The historical moment is propitious for a new reading of history and archeology through a more pragmatic interpretation, particularly with regard to written cultural heritage that the ancient peoples have left us. What is the discriminant that divides history from myth? Which personalities of the past are considered historical figures, and which are from brand as fantasy beings? This discriminant changes as  new knowledge and skills come to light, through which history is no longer the static and unchanging story of what precisely was, as has already happened; but a dynamic knowledge that constantly changes shape, becomes the subject of continuous revisions, in a becoming of new theories backed by as many material evidence. Just a single discovery can change history. Yet this history does not seem to want to shake off the academic gown worn for centuries, and with extreme reluctance old theories are deleted from textbooks and new ones are written there. But the process, we  know,  is unstoppable. And it is why we must not give up to contribute.


The wise man of the past was a historian, a geographer, a linguist and an archaeologist; he was a mathematician. But above all it was a philosopher. He was the one who could do two plus two. Having a wide and general knowledge, he could reconcile the various sciences to get to know how and why things happen.

The wise man of today, however, is the one who knows everything of almost nothing; he is one who specializes in one field, and the more restricted this field is, the more career opportunities there will be. And in this crazy race to specialization, there is no time for a dialogue between the sciences among them. No one makes two plus two.

And ‘this is the purpose of the items offered in this blog: to propose credible theories, without any fear that this word may sound excessive, because many specialists have underpinned the academic thesis that such port. Simply, nobody has ever done the trivial addition from one science to another, and the mystery remains despite having all the answers both in the field of archeology, that of linguistic and historical fields. One of these mysteries is the famous post-mortem ritual of the ancient Egyptians, which will be discussed in some articles, in which we will attempt an analysis starting when  new perspectives useful to explain it have been opened. But much has already been done in this sense.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: the weighing of the heart.

There is already enough literature, for example, which interprets the journey to the afterlife of the pharaoh after he died and he had been embalmed.  In particular, Zecharia Sitchin has comprehensively demonstrated how topographical details found in tomb paintings and in the book of the dead indicate a precise site in the Sinai Peninsula, where, through various tunnels in the mountains, he arrived at the place where the Ben Ben  -an object similar to a rocket- would carry to heaven the body of the pharaoh.

The Ben Ben.

The trip lapped various constellations, until the Ben Ben reached the planet symbolized by a winged disk, where Neter conceded life. The identity of the winged disc is now known, and the planet was finally decrypted by Google Sky, after years in which, in its place, there was a black square. I’m obviously talking about the planet that the Sumerians called Nibiru, and which all ancient peoples (from the Sumerians to the Egyptians) told the gods came from. Even on this planet we will talk often in our articles, whose purpose is essentially to pay tribute to the late Sitchin, citing new evidence in support of his insights, which, in contrast, are immortal.

The Voyage of the Ba, the spirit of the pharaoh-represented as a crowned hawk – on the celestial boat, to the constellations. Below, the winged planet in ancient representations, and Google Sky.

In these lines of  premise we put some fixed point, useful for the new readers to understand what is spoken in the context of the so-called “mystery archaeology”: the one that treats history as a real story and not as fancy, even if this led to recognize the intervention of extraterrestrials in the cultural progress of humanity.

The first of these essential points is the fact that the etymology of the word “gods” comes from the greek “theoi” and the equivalent terms Sumerian (Annunaki) and Egyptian (Neteru) have the same meaning as “observers principles come down from heaven on land”. In all probability also the Hebrew word “Elohim”, which have dealt with various authors, has a similar meaning.

There is therefore no great metaphysical god for the ancient peoples, but only venerated persons for their superiority of knowledge. And also some fear for their cruelty, as we will see.

The only sense of reverence as creators of destiny was reserved for celestial bodies, of which they had thorough knowledge, always transmitted to them by the gods / guardians. The literature that confirms what was said will always be shown in the bibliography, for further analysis from readers.

Nibiru Ancient Tablet 5

That said, a brief digression into the “myth” will be the first useful step that we will do to rehabilitate the stories to the rank of history.

Let’s start by the Egyptians, a people who left us a large amount of items to be examined. It seems like we could still touch them.


As we know, the Egyptian gods king lists indicate that before human pharaohs reigned,  Neteru had the power, and you will find all their names without differentiate them from those of the “human”kings ; the latter were in power only by virtue of an half Neter bloodline, which lifted them over other human beings. This detail is also reported in the Mesopotamian tablets, and immediately calls to mind the curious way of saying that the rulers had to be “blue-blooded”. This point deserves a first reflection.

At this saying is often quoted as an explanation a disease called Argyria, a blood disorder that afflicts those who take silver nitrate in large quantities. In this regard it is thought that the rulers contracted Argyria using silver cutlery for eating. But this explanation in my view is not entirely exhaustive, in the first place because of the fact that Argyria is very difficult to contract only with the use of silver tableware: a large amount of solution of water and silver nitrate is to be drunk for several years before they can intoxicate.

People affected by Argyria.

Yet there are images of the blue-skinned not only, as we know, in ancient India, but also in Sardinia, dating back several millennia before the appearance of the dishes in the aristocratic habits -in imperial Rome.


Furthermore, the blue blood  was  a condition of birth, which was maintained with the inbreeding. This was one of the reasons why before the gods, and after them the rulers, had the custom of mating between half-brothers, sons of the same father but different mothers, to keep the real genetic characteristics. By the time these characters have gone disappearing, because of the damage that the inbreeding adversely unborn children, the more we moved away from the primordial lineage.

The Sumerian stories tell of several pairs that  the prince Enki-child of the ruler of the planet Nibiru and one of the first four Anunnaki who arrived on Eatrh- had, with the terrestrial girls which he generated himself – with the help of his sister Ninmah, by mixing their blood with that of a hominid present in Africa. And  from two of these pairs with different mothers were born Adapa and Titi, two half-brothers who in turn mated and who were born children.


These  semi-divine lineages took  power by virtue of their royal descent. In particular Adapa was also brought to the planet Nibiru, the planet of the Anunnaki.

Adapa on Nibiru.



The texts speak of differences in the color of the epidermis of these half-blooded children, compared to that of their father Enki. But how do we know what color was  Enki’s skin? In this regard we  helped by the Egyptian representations of Ptah, which, as Zechariah Sitchin has shown, was none other than Enki himself.


osiride morto

Ptah, the creator of mankind, the great scientist, is depicted with blue skin. And, unlike Osiris, you can not argue that it meant he was dead.
As we know, in fact, the Egyptians always represented the deceased with the curved beard, while Ptah had straight beard.

But promiscuous Ptah / Enki was usual to dissipate his royal genetic makeup, producing numberless descendants outside of his marriage with his wife, the goddess Ninki, and it is probably this the reason why we do not often see blue men turning to the street.

In fact, this gene does not only existed, but sometimes it crops up still out. It is called “met-H”, short for methemoglobinemia, and it is a genetic condition characterized by increased amounts of hemoglobin in which the heme iron is oxidized to the ferric form (Fe3 +). Nothing to do with the silver, then. The Methemoglobin is useless as a carrier of oxygen and thus causes a variable degree of cyanosis. Resulting in the blue color of the skin.

The Fugate family

A striking case was the Fugate family of Kentucky, formed when Martin, a French immigrant, and Elisabeth Smith were married. Both being carriers of that met-H gene, a recessive gene, they gave birth to a generation with blue skin. The gene spread to some other generation through inbreeding that were due to the isolation. And over time, with the mingling with outside family members, it ceased to exist again. We can imagine that the same happened to Enki.

This genetic condition was seen to be detrimental to the human species, and causes various neurological and movement disorders, in the second or third stage. This is because the fuel of our bodies -and of all the planet- is just the oxygen.

Some recent scientific findings, however, have shown that oxygen, although vital for us, is very harmful, and it also conceals the cause of human diseases and aging: oxidative stress,  the cause of the free radicals.

It almost seems that this gene has been designed to fit in a planet in which the amount of oxygen is much less.

Thanks to NASA missions, when they launched the Pioneer probe, and thanks to the Hubble telescope, you know that Nibiru has a composition of cesium, iron oxide, iron, ozone and oxygen.

But being Nibiru a brown dwarf -which is a “failed” star, where nuclear fusion does not take place, and whose temperature can also be close to 0 degrees- its light is very dim, and a possible photosynthesis, we can assume,  would  probably produce a minor amount of oxygen. A population that lived almost in the dark, in the presence of little oxygen,  would have no damage from methemoglobinemia, but rather, would live longer because of lower production of free radicals. Another reason of the legendary longevity of the gods, besides the fact that the orbit of the planet Nibiru is much longer than the Earth’s one? It may be, and in fact, the methemoglobinemia stage I does not cause problems even to man, but becomes harmful from the grade II onwards. This may be a plausible hypothesis to explain the ancient tales, that always proved to be astonishingly accurate.

But to make matters worse, the blue blood is not the only divine marker that survived in the royal bloodlines.

Another one is represented by dolichocephaly, of which we find a still visible evidence in the skulls of all the rulers in the room of the royal mummies in Cairo. Under report some images, compared with a portrait of Nefertiti.


What is dolichocephaly? It is a morphological characteristic of the skull that presents a cephalic index of less than 75-76, such that the skull appears stretched.

Even before the well known Egyptian representations, figurines with dolichocephalics traits were also found between Sumerian artifacts, much earlier.

Sumerian statue from Ubaid

These statuettes represented the Igigi, stargazers who were standing on the fourth planet (Mars) to observe, and always were part of the same lineage of the Anunnaki, who were in charge as princes.

This on the left, in particular, was undoubtedly male!

But there are also some pretty impressive figurines to represent this divine population. And we give only a two examples below. We must admit that they remember the representations of the gray aliens, and at this point the term “gray” takes on a clearer connotation in connection to the met-H gene.


But for those who still think it is only votive statuettes of 7,000 years ago, maybe it’s time to continue our media tour in ancient Egypt.

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Photos of the mummy of a humanoid published by the Egyptian magazine Rose El-Yussuf in March 2001.


While it is now almost usual to find humanoid corpses in graves, whose images turn the web followed by swarms of incredulous comments of people who cry hoax, some staggering examples are located right in the Cairo Museum, including unborn fetuses of Tutankhamun, whose images are visible to all patrons. And the carryover below.



Only when you see with your own eyes you can begin to open them. I have seen them, so I can ensure that the photos shown are not false. They leave no doubt to the most obtuse St. Thomas, as we say in Italy.

Even dolichocephaly, such as Met-H gene, it is an almost extinct feature  from today’s outfit, but sometimes it also reveals itself again in some  child cases, considered as a malformation.

Dolichocephalic newborn child.

It has survived far more often as a practice to induce deformation to the heads of children through bandages and splints, which – watch case-  has its anthropological origins in an attempt to imitate the gods heads.

Even more peculiar is the fact that this practice was observed in the indigenous populations of all the continents, from Africa to Oceania, including the Americas.

How did the tribe so isolated and so far apart that has for centuries played the exactly same custom, a custom so bizarre at that? Only one thing is as certain as death: there was no imitation contact. Not among the peoples concerned, at least. So we just have to give credit to what these people declare to us: they imitate the gods. Below are a couple of photos, respectively, of Oceania and Africa populations.

Yet  induced dolichocephaly does not reach even remotely similar results  to the heads of the rulers, as we can see. It’s easy to recognize a real skull from an artificially induced skull.

Above we can see in the first image a skull with artificially induced dolichocephaly, and in the second we see a pharaoh, with natural dolichocephaly. The frontal lobe does not appear crushed, and the skull is elongated in the back, not upward.

These examples well illustrate the features of the original dolichocephaly, common to all the pharaohs, but not at all the Egyptians; in fact, always in the Cairo Museum, the display cases containing dolichocephalic heads of rulers lay alongside the statues of the priests of these rulers, with absolutely “human ” heads.

The priest Ka Aper.

And the same can be said of the Sumerian priests, of which we have two images below.

It therefore seems at least likely that also dolichocephaly was then a divine gene, which went lost with the genetic drift away from the gods makeup.

But cases of seemingly inexplicable coincidences such as those listed above are not isolated in the history of anthropology, and do not just recall genetic factors, but also behavioral ones.

Mauro Biglino has underlined the strange divine habit of needing smell of burnt flesh, so that we find in every place and every ancient culture -from the Americas to back- ritual sacrifice. Sacrifice that the gods favored be of human blood.

Maybe that’s why even the papal bulls for centuries have been written on human skin parchments, to continue the macabre will of a god.


In particular, Dr. Biglino noted the correspondence between the smell of burning flesh of which the gods felt the need, and the smell of burning flesh that feels in spacecraft. He pointed out that science has proven that this smell stimulates production of endorphins, and procures a feeling of wellbeing.

And this is not the only example of the link between food of the gods Food of the astronauts, because recently NASA has chosen the Quinoa -the food of the gods for Incas- as official food during space missions.


But I also remember a 2002 article in the magazine Airone -now nowhere to be found-, which spoke of a particular tribal party of sub-Saharan Africa, where were performed rituals of self-flagellation in the parade, equal to word for word to those of a feast of ancient Rome. They were so identical that I thought that the Romans could be gone in sub- Saharan Africa in some way. History has proven otherwise. We can do so that still give credit to what once told the protagonists of these self-defeating rituals as in ancient Rome, as in Africa and also in Asia (eg in India) today:  the gods wanted people to make these practices in that particular way. In Italy we say they were the Saints, who wanted people to punish themselves. But in any case, the grim things that these gods forced us to do in submission were strong enough to be perpetrated even now we do not see them anymore so closely.

It exists as a script that we continue to play, in which the ancient and the innovative, as in a circle, touch themselves. A point where, as the the Sumerians said, the end is the same as at the beginning. And this is true in various fields, which will be discussed in our articles, in which we will attempt to prove the fact that all of our today’s customs have very ancient common roots. Not common in the place, but in the civilization that has  transmitted them. And we also know that this civilization was that of the gods, people feared because of higher social level. And this idea of caste has remained alive in India just like these “gods” set it at the beginning.


Dott.ssa Sara Gamberoni



Images: Google images; private footage.’arrivo-del-pianeta-X

Zecharia Sitchin, Le astronavi del Sinai

Zecharia Sitchin, Tutte le opere

Mauro Biglino, Tutte le opere Oxidative-stress autosomal recessive congenital methemoglobinemia Methemoglobin-induced signaling and chemokine responses in human alveolar epithelial cells






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